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"The Unstoppable Leader: Creating Veritable Influence Through the Secret Weapons of Hostage Negotiators and Criminal Interrogators"


(DETAILS: This is the keynote Danny Langloss performed to more than 500 people at the 2023 Midwest Summit on Leadership)
Hostage negotiators and criminal interrogators are masters at creating human connection, quickly building rapport, and generating influence with people in crisis. They are highly competent, demonstrate confidence through communication, and quickly uncover the roadmap to safety and the truth. Just like great leaders, hostage negotiators and criminal interrogators are masters at creating very high levels of influence.
In this keynote, LinkedIn “Top 40” Thought Leader, host of the Leadership Excellence Podcast, and Police Chief (Ret.) Danny Langloss teaches leaders how to implement these strategies through the story of a 22-hour homicide interrogation. There is only one requirement. Leaders may only use these strategies if they have the highest levels of genuine care and concern for their teams. If they do, they will become unstoppable.
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7 Pillars to Unleash the Champions in Your Organization

(This video is a 6 minute speaker reel from the OwnerShift keynote Danny Langloss presented at the Midwest Summit on Leadership.)

Employee engagement is the extent to which team members feel connected to their job, are committed to the goals and values of the organization, and are willing to give passionate, discretionary effort. Ownership is employee engagement on steroids. Ownership is the pathway to unleashing the champions in every organization. 

Ownership is a team member's extreme emotional and psychological commitment to the goals of the company, their team, and the organization. Owners do things because it is important to them, not because they are told to do it. They are purpose-driven and feel responsible to take action and achieve outcomes. Owners are constantly looking to get 1% better every day, always looking for ways to add layers of greatness to the organization, and proactively solve problems as they arise.

In this presentation, City Manager Danny Langloss shares the 7 pillars that will create ownership across all levels of your organization and take your team to the next level. 


Communication Excellence: The Cornerstone of Championship Teams

Culture is created one interaction, one communication at a time, across every level of the organization. Every interaction drives either positive or negative emotions in our team members. These emotions shape and create the lens our people view leadership, their team members, and the organization as a whole.Ā 

In this keynote, Danny Langloss shares cutting edge concepts that will dramaticallyĀ enhance communication across all levels of your team and prime your organization for the highest levels of teamwork, collaboration, creativity, innovation, and excellence.

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Protecting the Protectors: Building Resilience in Police Organizations

Everyday police officers risk their lives to protect the citizens they serve. Through their service, they face the most complex and horrific situations. Homicides, active shooter incidents, child death scenes, bad car accidents, autopsies, sexual abuse against children, death notifications, and other violent crimes. These officers deal with people experiencing severe emotional distresses, and in addition to direct trauma, often experience vicarious trauma. These brave men and women do all of this during the most tumultuous time for policing in American history. 

It is no surprise that more than 15% of law enforcement officers suffer from symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Even more suffer from depression and anxiety. These officers experience nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive and intense memories, anger, insomnia, avoidance of event-related triggers and social isolation. 

This leads to marriage problems, relationship issues, substance abuse, police misconduct complaints, and suicide. The long lasting and devastating effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, and Anxiety don’t have to be devastating or long lasting. 

It is time leaders place a specific focus on “Protecting the Protectors”. In this course, Police Chief (ret.) Danny Langloss will share cutting-edge strategies that will allow police leaders to be proactive in protecting their officers from PTSD, depression and anxiety and will share best practices in helping those who are already impacted by these psychological hardships.